Doth Protest

Doth Protest is a podcast on church history and how the theology of the 16th-century Reformers can inform us today. It is hosted by Episcopal priest Rev. Andrew Christiansen along with Stephen Burnett and Rev. James Rickenbaker. It also features interviews with theologians and scholars of church history. Show music is done by Aaron Shows. We can be listened to on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and more. Follow us on Twitter @DothProtestPod FB & Instagram @doth.pro_ref.pod

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7 days ago

Dr. Lyndal Roper joins us on this episode to discuss the turbulent and devastating peasant wars of 1525, a series of events that comes up often in Reformation studies but are hardly in themselves ever the center of focus in historical study.  Dr. Roper's most recent book Summer of Fire and Blood is the first major book in a generation devoted to this subject in detail. In this episode we discuss the motivations behind the peasant revolts, their devastation and their aftermath. Additionally, we discuss the roles that the theologies of Martin Luther, Thomas Müntzer, and Andreas Karlstadt had behind the uprisings. Enjoy!Dr. Roper is the Regius Chair of History at the University of Oxford. Her general focus is the early modern period, and specializes in studies of Luther, the Reformation, 16th century German art and material culture, gender history in the early modern period, and the history of witchcraft. Her past books include Martin Luther: Renegade and Prophet, Living I Was Your Plague: Martin Luther's World and Legacy, and Witch Craze: Terror and Fantasy in Baroque Germany. 

Friday Feb 14, 2025

Mary Magdalene appears in the sermons and writings of Luther, Zwingli, Bullinger, Calvin, and Beza in ways that reflect their theological perspectives. Dr. Steven Tyra joins the podcast on this episode to discuss his work in this interesting area.Steven Tyra's work referenced:-"Mary Shames Us All": Martin Luther's Reception of the Medieval Magdalene as found in Church History and Religious Culture, Vol. 98, No. 3/4 (JStor link)
-"Reformation Perspectives on Mary Magdalene from Luther to Zwingli to Calvin" featured in the forthcoming (2025) book The Oxford Handbook of Mary Magdalene
-Steven's book "Neither the Spirit without the Flesh": John Calvin's Doctrine of the Beatific Vision
Other works referenced to or recommended in the episode by Steven or Andrew:
-Scott Hendrix's article "Luther Against the Backdrop of the History of Biblical Interpretation" in Interpretation 37 (3)
-Erik Lundeen's book The Reformation of the Literal: Prophecy and the Senses of Scripture in Early Modern Europe
-Bruce Gordon's recent book Zwingli: God's Armed Prophet
-Jennifer McNutt's book The Mary We Forgot: What the Apostle to the Apostles Teaches the Church Today

Saturday Feb 01, 2025

James and Andrew continue the list, covering our top 5 most listened to episodes of Doth Protest. It was a wonderful opportunity to have a great discussion about topics often brought up on the show in general: Law & Gospel distinction (and uses of the Law), biblical interpretation, our confessional understanding of Anglicanism, and some good ol' 16th century history. Enjoy!
Show notes:
James brings up the 1517 article by Amy Mantravadi “Philip Melanchthon’s Most Formative Year”

Tuesday Jan 21, 2025

We're incredibly delighted to have Amy Mantravadi on this episode to talk about her book Broken Bonds: A Novel of the Reformation. Broken Bonds is a work of histoical-fiction centered on the historical figures Martin Luther, Desiderius Erasmus, and Philip Melanchthon. 
You can visit and check out more of Amy's work at her website ( and her work for 1517 here.Enjoy!

Sunday Jan 05, 2025

Happy New Year! Andrew and James catch up on how Christmas and life-in-general went over the past few weeks, and then go through, discuss and reflect upong #10 to #6 of the top 10 most listened to Doth Protest episodes of all time. Then we ran out of time... so a second part going from #5 through #1 will be released soon.Blessings to you this new year.

Thursday Dec 19, 2024

The Rev. Ben Randall, senior associate rector of Galilee Church, Virginia Beach and author of the new book Introducing Anglicanism: A Catechism on the Thirty-Nine Articles joins Andrew and James on the podcast today to talk about his book, along with sharing the story of how he came to faith. Ben is an ordained priest in the Church of England but currently serving in the Episcopal Church.  Prior to Galilee, he served in parish ministry in Yorkshire, England and then in rural parts of Tennessee. He holds degrees from Cambridge, University of St. Andrews, University of Bradford, and is currently working toward a D. Min (or Doctorate of Ministry) at Southern Evangelical Seminary & Bible College.
Link (also above) to purchase the book (Also available on Amazon)
Andrew refers to things he read about regarding educational trends getting away from reading in the Atlantic article "The Elite College Students Who Can't Read Books"
Andrew mentions the following article in the Anglican Way by (former guest of the podcast) Ben Crosby: "The Thirty-Nine Articles and the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States"

Friday Dec 06, 2024

Andrew comes on to share his thoughts on the 2024 movie "Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Spy, Assassin" and the way it has been received.
Links:Statement made by the International Bonhoeffer SocietyStatement made by actors of the Bonhoeffer film
Eric Metexas' book Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy.Charles Marsh's book Strange Glory: A Life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Podcast interview from Homebrewed Christianity with director of the movie (YouTube version)
Myles Werntz's review of the movie in Christianity Today

Thursday Sep 26, 2024

Andrew and James had a wonderful conversation with Joshua Nickel on his book Walk Between Heaven and Earth: Listening to Martin Luther On How to Be a True Theologian. Visit Josh's website

Monday Sep 16, 2024

The Reclamation joins forces with Doth Protest in this week's episode. Join Michael Lewis and Brad Kafer as we hear the stories of two Episcopal priests (James Rickenbaker and Kyle Tomlin) and how they each came to gospel clarity. We also discuss the fruits of Christ centered preaching and rightly understanding Jesus' disposition toward us as believers.

Thursday Aug 22, 2024

Renowned Luther scholar Volker Leppin comes on the podcast to for a great discussion on his most recent book Sola: Christ, Grace, Faith, and Scripture Alone in Martin Luther's Theology from Lutheran Quarterly Books and the famous debate between Martin Luther and Johann Eck in June and July of 1519 known as the Leipzig Debate which proved to be a turning point in Luther's understanding of Scripture's authority. 
Volker Leppin is the Horace Tracy Pitkin Professor of Historical Theology at Yale Divinity School. Prior to Yale, he taught church history at University of Jena and University of Tübingen. He is the author of many books, monographs, and articles in church history, especially on the Middle Ages, the Reformation, and Martin Luther. He is especially known for his biography of Luther titled Martin Luther: A Late Medieval Life.
The works about Luther that Dr. Leppin mentions were significant for him were:
Karl Holl's "Luther", presented as a lecture on Oct 31st 1917.
Gerhard Ebeling's book Evangelische Evangelienauslegung: Eine Untersuchung zu Luthers Hermeneutik
Heiko Oberman's book Luther: Man Between God and the Devil 
(Andrew also brought up Oberman's book The Dawn of the Reformation: Essays in Late Medieval and Early Reformation Thought)

Doth Protest

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